Cohesive Brand Identity Tips | Branding Photographer

Creating a cohesive brand identity is essential for establishing a strong and recognizable presence in the any market that your find your small business in. As your branding photographer, I want to help with some tips to help you achieve and maintain a cohesive brand identity:

Arizona Branding Photographer, Branding photographer, branding coach, Arizona small business, Arizona Photographer, Cohesive Brand Identity

Define Your Brand’s Core Values and Mission

When you clearly articulate your brand’s core values, mission, and vision, magic will happen. From your fellow small business owner, ensure that these elements are consistently reflected in all your branding efforts. This is important because it draws in clients who are like minded and will connect with you even more, how fun is that?!

Additionally, Make sure every piece of content and communication aligns with these core values and mission! What do I mean by this? For example, this hair stylist branding shoot. Having photos of her values and passions were important, and it is something she regularly posts into her content. When a brand posts consistently that portrays their overall goal, great things come their way!

Arizona Branding Photographer, Branding photographer, branding coach, Arizona small business, Arizona Photographer, Cohesive Brand Identity

Develop a Strong Visual Identity

To bring in your dream clients, having a cohesive brand identity online can be achieved by these things:

  • Logo: Design a distinctive and memorable logo that represents your brand’s essence.
  • Color Palette: Choose a specific set of colors that reflect your brand’s personality and use them consistently across all platforms.
  • Typography: Select fonts that align with your brand’s voice and style, and use them consistently in all marketing materials.
  • Imagery: Use a consistent style of photography, illustrations, and graphics to create a unified visual aesthetic.

Clients align what they see online of your brand, with you. How do you want to be remembered today? Is there a certain color that your brand drifts towards? Certain photos? Even a specific font? So, whatever it is, utilize it for ensured success in your digital presence!

Arizona Branding Photographer, Branding photographer, branding coach, Arizona small business, Arizona Photographer, Cohesive Brand Identity
Arizona Branding Photographer, Branding photographer, branding coach, Arizona small business, Arizona Photographer, Cohesive Brand Identity
Arizona Branding Photographer, Branding photographer, branding coach, Arizona small business, Arizona Photographer, Cohesive Brand Identity

Cohesive Brand Identities are Fun!

Arizona Branding Photographer, Branding photographer, branding coach, Arizona small business, Arizona Photographer, Cohesive Brand Identity

Let’s Start Creating Your Cohesive Brand Identity Today

Book your dream call to get this process rolling!

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